Yes/No Tarot Card

Think of a question and pick a card!

As-Tarotlogy is a unique way of reading what the planets have to say about you through Tarot cards. These tarot cards are based on the principles of Vedic astrology.


Free Fortune Report

Know what your Moon sign has to say about your life in this in-depth analysis based on vedic astrology calculations..

Moon sign represents our feelings & deepest desires. Its close proximity to Earth impacts us in a big way. Some interesting facts about your life will be revealed here including your favourable career options, relationship, finance etc.

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Planetary Influence Report

Know which planets are changing their position based on your zodiac sign to bring about favourable and unfavourable changes in your life in this section of daily, weekly & monthly horoscope reading.

Individual Report

Premium Fortune Report

Our reports give you an in-depth analysis. Unlike other computerized reports, each chart will be personally prepared by Astrologer Vihanna Choudharry. Each report is prepared after a complete study of the birth charts, each planetary placement, dashas, maha-dasha, nakshatra etc.


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